
As per your prediction, I got job offer from a big company in New Delhi as a Senior Manager (IT). Excellent package & perks are offered by them. Thanks a lot once again. Your prediction is absolutely correct.

Mr. Anil Verma


I had to make a very important decision in connection with my finances that affected my future. Because I felt insecure, I asked Ruhani Kendra for advice... Thy helped me a lot, as I would have made a wrong decision that may have cost me my house, had I not asked [for this] advice.

Mr. Parveen Arora





Remedies Applicable to All:-

Sweet loaves of bread, specially baked in Tandoor, should be offered to animals every month for warding off sickness, quarrels and other troubles, caused by Mars negative in the horoscope.


Place a pot of water under the headside of the bed at night and pour it on a tree or plant in the morning.


Eat and drink from silver utensils for strengthening Moon and reducing evil effects of Rahu.


Do not look down upon elderly people and monks; do not annoy your father. This will help your Jupiter.


Take meals in the kitchen; avoid eating on a bed; dispose of articles which have not been used for decades; do not clutter your house/office with unnecessary articles. This will reduce the bad effects of Rahu, whose job it is to cause unnecessary and avoidable worries and fears.


Do not cause harm to dogs; if possible, feed them. This will improve effect of Ketu, symbolic of son and luxurious life.


From one's own meal, a chapati or a piece of it must be offered to cows, crows, monkeys and dogs for all round well being and prosperity.


Further, we all believe that going to a temple for offering prayer is always a good thing, which must be admired and encouraged. But according to Lal Kitab, the native having a malefic planet, especially Saturn in 8th house, when 2nd house is empty, must not visit temples or other places of worship. Rather he should bow his head from outside. Similarly, if planets occupying 6th, 8th and 12th houses are inimical to each other and 2nd house is not occupied by any planet, the native must avoid visiting temples and other religious places of worship.