
As per your prediction, I got job offer from a big company in New Delhi as a Senior Manager (IT). Excellent package & perks are offered by them. Thanks a lot once again. Your prediction is absolutely correct.

Mr. Anil Verma


I had to make a very important decision in connection with my finances that affected my future. Because I felt insecure, I asked Ruhani Kendra for advice... Thy helped me a lot, as I would have made a wrong decision that may have cost me my house, had I not asked [for this] advice.

Mr. Parveen Arora






The history

gemsGem therapy is both a powerful tool for positive energy and a remedial measure. In some instances wearing the wrong gem can cause serious physical and/or mental problems. There is evidence to show that the healing properties of gemstones were recognized as far back as the Greek and Egyptian civilizations and in the Vedic period in India. The Vedas are acknowledged as the authority on gems, their description, potencies and prescription for effective use. According to the Vedas, imbalances could be set right either by wearing gems against one's skin or using them as an ingredient to make medicines and potions to be taken internally.


The theory

Gem therapy is an alternative form of healing. Practitioners of this therapy believe that gemstones carry certain vibrations which when placed within a person's aura, has the effect of changing it. It is believed that the human aura consists of nine colours, namely: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, re, infra red and ultra violet. Any deficiency or excess of these colours upsets the body's energy balance leading to illness. Gemstones heal by restoring the balance to the original composition of the nine colours.


Gemstones transmit a specific wavelength to the body, which converts these rays into a chemical form that the body can utilize to improve its functioning both on a physical and an emotional level.